Study Overview

Purpose of the Study

The Adult Memory Study is a collaboration between Northeastern University and Massachusetts General Hospital. We are investigating the relationship between an individual’s emotional reactivity, cognitive function, age, brain structure and function, and the level and location of beta-amyloid and tau molecules in the brain.

Study Details

We ask participants to complete five sessions over the course of six months. First, participants will undergo a neuropsychological assessment over Zoom. Then, participants will come to Building 149 at the Charlestown Navy Yard three times for either MRI scans or combined PET/MRI scans of the brain. In the scanner, participants will complete tasks and we will also collect physiological recordings. We will also collect a blood draw. Finally, participants will complete tasks similar to those that they did in the scanner on a laptop computer in their home.

What to Expect

  • A neuropsychological assessment completed over Zoom
  • MRI scans or combined MRI/PET scans of the brain
  • Collection of physiological recordings (e.g., heart rate, sweat, breathing)
  • Computer-based tasks
  • Blood draw

Contact Information

If you are interested in this study, please contact our team (

Dickerson Laboratory

Massachusetts General Hospital
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Phone: (617) 726-1728