Advancing our Understanding Familial FTD

Some forms of Frontotemporal dementia are inherited within families. For nearly 15 years, we have been conducting studies with people in families in which FTD is inherited. Some of these studies have helped us understand more about the genetic abnormalities that can lead to some types of FTD. Other studies are aiming to detect abnormalities in the brain prior to development of symptoms. Other studies are measuring a person’s understanding and appreciation of these conditions for which they are at elevated risk; this type of work helps us educate people about these conditions in the best ways possible, and advise them about whether or not they may want to learn their own genetic status. Ultimately, we hope that this research enables us and our colleagues to develop treatments that can be given to people before they develop symptoms in order to delay symptoms and extend high quality life.

Selected Publications

  • Moore KM, Nicholas J, Grossman M, McMillan CT, Irwin DJ, Massimo L, Van Deerlin VM, Warren JD, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Mead S, Bocchetta M, Boeve BF, Knopman DS, Graff-Radford NR, Forsberg LK, Rademakers R, Wszolek ZK, van Swieten JC, Jiskoot LC, Meeter LH, Dopper EG, Papma JM, Snowden JS, Saxon J, Jones M, Pickering-Brown S, Le Ber I, Camuzat A, Brice A, Caroppo P, Ghidoni R, Pievani M, Benussi L, Binetti G, Dickerson BC, Lucente D, Krivensky S, Graff C, Öijerstedt L, Fallström M, Thonberg H, Ghoshal N, Morris JC, Borroni B, Benussi A, Padovani A, Galimberti D, Scarpini E, Fumagalli GG, Mackenzie IR, Hsiung GR, Sengdy P, Boxer AL, Rosen H, Taylor JB, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Sulzer P, Hodges JR, Halliday G, Kwok J, Sanchez-Valle R, Lladó A, Borrego-Ecija S, Santana I, Almeida MR, Tábuas-Pereira M, Moreno F, Barandiaran M, Indakoetxea B, Levin J, Danek A, Rowe JB, Cope TE, Otto M, Anderl-Straub S, de Mendonça A, Maruta C, Masellis M, Black SE, Couratier P, Lautrette G, Huey ED, Sorbi S, Nacmias B, Laforce R Jr, Tremblay ML, Vandenberghe R, Damme PV, Rogalski EJ, Weintraub S, Gerhard A, Onyike CU, Ducharme S, Papageorgiou SG, Ng ASL, Brodtmann A, Finger E, Guerreiro R, Bras J, Rohrer JD; FTD Prevention Initiative. Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study. Lancet Neurol. 2020 Feb;19(2):145-156. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30394-1.
Dickerson Laboratory

Massachusetts General Hospital
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Phone: (617) 726-1728